Monday, August 17, 2009

Life Happens

Life Happens
As were busy running back and forth,
Even when something tragic happens... Life goes on,

No one gets to pick where they are born,
Or their parents or siblings,
No one gets a perfect life handed to them,
No matter what you goes on.

You do get to choose how you react to things,
Your attitude,
Your values,
Your likes and dislikes,
What you'll accept or reject,
What road you take when you grow up...
And if you grow up... some of us never do...
But still life goes on.

Wheather we choose to be happy or sad,
Weather we make good choices or bad,
Weather we are filled with love or hate,
Weather we choose to give or take,
To use others or to serve others...
life still goes on.....
If you want to have a happy life
Chose to live your life for God.