Our lives are like the seasons,
Ever changing...
We too plant and harvest.
Our seasons also go
From warm to cold,
The cold seasons in our lives
can cause some things to freeze and die
in us and around us.
When thing warm up again...
we get the strength and desire to pluck
and uproot all the dead and useless things
from our lives. And soon we are ready
to plant new things into our lives,
Like new ideas and new dreams.
Then as things really start to heat up,
Our days seem to be filled with sunshine,
That warms up the heart,
Making new things grow and sprout within and without...
I pray you are in a good season,
And if you are in a bad season...
I pray strength for you to hang on
and to look forward...
with hope and expectation
that God has your new season
on it's way...
In Jesus name I ask this, Amen