Monday, August 8, 2011


The seasons also exit in our lives,
We go through long cold winters,
We have loss,
Things die in our lives,
We move away, move on or let go,
We say bye to people, places, jobs or ways of life.

Then spring comes and
New things sprout up,
New adventures and new people come into our lives...
And life goes on.

Summer is when things really heat up,
Things really seem to thrive and anything is possible.
Maybe you've had a long hard winter...
That just seemed to drag on.
See if you can move past it.
We're in summer now... Let it inspire you to
look all around you and see what treasures you may have missed,
The things or people that are there for you.
These are your blessings...thank God for them,
It will help you change your outlook,
Which will empower you to
Search for your opportunities...and then jump on them.
I pray that with Gods help...
you Move yourself into the best summer of your life!

Love and Big Blessings to you, Ruby