Monday, April 19, 2010

The Value of Time...

Time flies by,
It escapes us,
Our days are full,
Our tasks are many,
And time runs out...
It really waits for no man.

Hence the questions that should be asked:

1. What are you doing with your time?
2. Are you taking care of things that really matter?
3. Are you moving toward your goals daily?
4. When you look back at your life, do you have regrets?
5. What do you dream of doing?
6. Can you make time for your dreams?
7. Are you spending time with the people you love?
8. Do you make time for fun in your life?
9. Are you improving your self or your life daily?
10. And the big question...
Does God get the best part of your time,
or are you giving God your left overs?