We rush here and there,
We do this and that,
We get caught up in doing so many things,
We can lose our breath,
We can lose our way,
And we can even lose ourselves.
Now is a good time to step back,
Reflect and see where you're at.
What did you accomplish?
Did you do what was important,
Or did you just spin your wheels?
What did you miss,
or not attend to as you should have?
We are suppose to have goals and make plans.
God said my people perish for lack of knowledge.
It is a fact that successful people make plans and set goals.
So get out your pen and paper and write out some
goals for next year. Pray and see where you fell
short and where you succeeded and where you still
want to go. Make a list, then make an outline,
then add some time frames in which you expect to
accomplish it all.
May God Bless you in mighty ways, May you feel his presence,
Hear his voice, and may he guide you into a glorious New Year!
Blessings and love to all! Ruby