Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Crazy Hope

When all seems lost,
And you see no hint of hope,
When it seems that every door is shut,
Nothing is working out,
and everyone has given up.

Yet something deep within you cries out,
Telling not to give up,
It tells you to trust and believe,
To pray and look to God.

So against all odds,
Againgst all beliefs you have ever had.
Against every stronghold and ostatcle,
You take a stand.

It is you and God,
against all the circumstances.
Something deep inside you rises up,
You dare to see it, to believe it,
And then you declare it.
You wait,
And with that crazy hope,
You expect.

1 comment:

Rosalie said...

Great writings!!! so glad to see you are writing more often. Keep it up I look forward to reading all your writings.