Sunday, November 4, 2012

The Dark Nights of The Soul

The stretching and the breaking,
The bruising and the crushing,
The  pulling and the pushing,
Wondering and analyzing,
On the path and then off again,
Lost and all alone,
Going in circles,
Grasping and almost reaching,
Inquiring, demanding and getting no response.

Crying out in anguish,
What a job this soul searching,
Oh the battles that rage...
In the emotions and in the head.

So long and lonely,
So deep and weary,
So hard and exhausting,

The dark nights of the soul cause us to look deep
within the places we refused to go on our own,
To examine our motives, our beliefs and our attitudes,
And to make the necessary adjustments,

There is much pain and lost on this journey of discovery,
But far more is gained.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You have such beautiful, meaning poetry. I just stumbled on your site today, but look forward to visiting again.